Learn how to select which ebooks your self-registered users can instantly access in your library. For libraries that require admin approval to enter the library, the users will gain access to these ebooks once granted approval to enter your library.

  1. Open Kotobee Author.
  2. Click on the Manage tab.
    The Manage screen will open.
  3. Click on Libraries in the left panel.
  4. Select your library from the drop-down menu in the top bar.
  5. Select Books from the Libraries menu in the left panel.
    A list of all your ebooks will appear in the main window.
  6. Click the Users button for the ebook you want to approve for self-registered users.
    The users list for that ebook will appear in the main screen.
  7. From the Actions drop down menu, select Enable for new users.
    The option will then appeared checked.

All self-registered users will have access to this ebook.