Learn how to integrate your questions with SCORM.

Questions in Kotobee's ebooks integrate very nicely with LMS's such as Moodle, Blackboard, or Edmodo. As a SCORM component, the ebook reports every question answered by the student, accompanied by additional information such as the time of answering, the user's answer, the correct answer, and the score weight. With the LMS's grade book set up correctly, you can have a real exam. By using objectives, you can group different question modules together to achieve certain learning objectives. The LMS's will display the scores and results grouped by objective. Kotobee Author's LMS integration comes as part of the Premium and Institutional licenses.

After you've added your questions, you can integrate your questions with SCORM. Before clicking on Create

  1. check the box next to Answer only once.
    If the ebook is running as a SCORM component, with this checked, the user will be able to answer the questions only once and locked out from answering again.
  2. click on the drop-down menu next to Add to objective.
    This will assign the question module to a defined objective for LMS integration

Objectives may be added from the Book manager.