Learn how to approve a user request to access a Cloud Ebook.
Kotobee Author provides you with two ways to grant your users access to your Cloud Ebook. In both cases, you will send the user an email, however the subject of the email and content will differ.
- Your account is active. Send them an email with an automatically generated password that they can use to instantly access the ebook. They are also provided with a link to change the password, if they wish.
- Activate your account. Send them an email with a link for them to create their own password, then use it to access the ebook.
If you will be granting access to multiple users, try the bulk options.
- Click on the Manage tab.
The Manage screen will open. - Click on Cloud Ebooks in the left panel.
- Select Users from the Cloud Ebooks menu in the left panel.
- Select your cloud ebook from the drop-down menu in the top bar.
- Locate the user in the main panel.
You may use the filter options in the upper right corner to find the user. - Below the user's ID number and name, click the method you prefer.
- Activate sends the "Your account is active" email with a pre-generated password.
A confirmation window will appear for you in Kotobee Author: "User is activated and informed."
- Send activation email sends the "Activate your account" email.
A confirmation window will appear for you in Kotobee Author: "Email sent successfully."
- Activate sends the "Your account is active" email with a pre-generated password.
You may return to this window at any time to deactivate any user.