Learn how to add a Google Analytics Tracking ID to your library.

The Google Analytics Tracking ID is all you need in order to configure your ebook to use Google Analytics tracking. If you do not already have an ID, then follow the simple instructions in Create a Google Analytics Account and Get Your Tracking ID.

  1. Click on the Manage tab.

    The Manage screen will open.

  2. Click on Libraries in the left panel.

  3. Select your library from the drop-down list in the top bar.

  4. Select Customize from the Libraries menu in the left panel.

  5. Click on the Customize tab to open the Customization Screen.
  6. Click on Advanced (the last tab).
  7. Paste your Tracking ID into that field. 
  8. Close all customization tabs. 
  9. Click Save changes.

Once your ebook app or library is published, Google Analytics will begin tracking events. 

The ebook URL does not need to be the same URL you entered when setting the Google Analytics account.

Learn how to View Your Google Analytics.