Learn how to terminate multiple promo codes for a Cloud Ebook.
Kotobee Author provides you with two ways to terminate promo codes:
- Temporary. The promo codes remain listed as deactivated. You can reactivate the promo codes at any time.
- Permanent. The promo codes and all their records are deleted. Deleting cannot be reversed.
These instructions will guide through terminating promo codes for both methods.
- Click on the Manage tab.
The Manage screen will open. - Click on Cloud Ebooks in the left panel.
- Select Promo Codes from the Cloud Ebooks menu in the left panel.
- Select your cloud ebook from the drop-down menu in the top bar.
- Check the promo code in the main panel.
- From the Bulk Options drop down menu, select your preferred method.
- Deactivate disables the promo code. The promo code will remain listed for you to re-activate at any time.
A confirmation window will appear for you in Kotobee Author: "Code deactivated."
- Delete removes all records of the promo code.
A confirmation window will appear: "Are you sure you want to delete this code?" Click Yes.
Another confirmation window will appear. "Code deleted successfully."
- Deactivate disables the promo code. The promo code will remain listed for you to re-activate at any time.