Learn the different permissions for inviting others to collaborate in your library

Your library's Share button allows you to invite other users (who may not necessarily have Kotobee accounts) to collaborate with you in the library through various accounts.

This will open the Share permissions dialog box.

Enter the user emails that you'd like to share access with. If there are multiple users, separate them with commas.

Select the Right Permissions

For any user, you can set a different combination of permissions, to limit his scope and prevent any harmful actions. This is also useful to moderate upload books, and review them first, before publishing them.

There are currently 9 different supported permissions. Note that some types of the permissions may already contain other permissions. Such cases are referenced below using an asterisk (*) under the description.

Can upload booksCan upload his own books to the library.
Can list
Can list library books and their details inside Kotobee Author. The list of books can be any book in the library, or limited by name, category, or only to his own books.
Can download to edit
Can download a book in Kotobee Author, and open it in Edit mode.
* Implicitly receives book listing permissions.
Can editCan do changes to a book in the library. This can be any book in the library, or limited by name, category, or only to his own books.
* Implicitly receives book listing and book download permissions.
Can deleteCan delete a book in the library. This can be any book in the library, or limited by name, category, or only to his own books.
* Implicitly receives book listing permissions.
Can publishCan publish or unpublish a book in the library. This can be any book in the library, or limited by name, category, or only to his own books.
* Implicitly receives book listing permissions.
Can list usersCan list the users of the library. You can show only a subset of users to that collaborator through a filter.
Can add usersCan add new users to the library. You can allow only certain types of users to be added by that collaborator through a filter, such as those from a certain country, or with a certain role.
Can edit usersCan edit users and modify their information. You can allow only certain types of users to be edited by that collaborator through a filter.
Can delete usersCan delete users from your library. You can allow only certain types of users to be deleted by that collaborator through a filter.
Can manage usersCan do all sorts of operations on users (collection of all user-related permissions).
Can receive notificationsCan receive email, system, and push notifications for selected events happening inside the cloud ebook. Those events may be selected through the Notification settings.
Can manage settingsThis user will have global permissions in the library to do any changes (includes all listed permissions). Please be careful who you give this permission to.
* Implicitly receives book listing and user management permissions.
Can view reportsCan view reports. This option is effective from Author v1.8.2, otherwise "Can manage settings" will allow the admin to view reports.
Can view analyticsCan view full usage analytics from the dashboard.