Learn how to integrate your cloud ebooks and libraries with your Shopify store.
What is Shopify?
Shopify is a platform that makes it easy to start, grow, and manage an e-commerce business without the need for any technical background. Shopify is one of the top and most recommended e-commerce platforms in 2019, with a user-friendly interface, and affordable price plans.
Shopify-Kotobee Integration Plugin
The Shopify-Kotobee Integration Plugin is a Shopify app that connects your Shopify store with your Kotobee account. This connection allows you to sell access to your account's cloud ebooks and libraries directly from your Shopify store. Whenever a user makes a successful purchase from your store, he will receive immediate access to the cloud ebook(s) or library ebook(s) that are linked to the purchased product.
The following steps will guide you to integrate your Shopify store with Kotobee.
Open https://apps.shopify.com/kotobee-integration.
- Enter your store URL and hit Submit.
You'll find yourself redirected to Shopify to install the application in your store. Click Install unlisted app.
- Enter your serial number to get access to your Kotobee account, and hit Submit.
Now you can start linking your products to Kotobee's ebooks.
Using The Integration App
After completing the previous steps, you will find the app installed under the Apps menu, in your store admin. Access the app through the following steps.
Go to your store admin dashboard by adding /admin after your store url (e.g. greatstore.myshopify.com/admin)
- Find the Apps menu on the left.
- Click on Kotobee Integration. Now you're ready to use the app right from your store admin.
Linking Products with Kotobee Ebooks
Say you want to link My First Product with access to the first chapter of My Book in My Test Library. To achieve that, follow the steps below.
Login to your store admin pages.
Go to Apps on the left menu.
Click on the Kotobee Integration app.
- You will be redirected to the summary page giving you an overview of the products linked to different Kotobee ebooks. To start linking new Shopify products, click on Go to Linking Page.
- Choose the product from the drop-down
- A table will appear showing your Kotobee cloud ebooks and libraries. Check the checkbox next to the resource you want to give access to. In our case, we'll choose the library from the drop down, then check My Book.
You may link a product to multiple ebooks by checking multiple checkboxes from the same table.
- After checking the box, an Options link will appear next to it. Click that link to set access to only some of the chapters.
- Finally, click the Save button at the bottom of the page.
Congratulations! You now have your first product linked.
Additional Settings
When any user in your store purchases this product, a Kotobee account will be created automatically for that user, giving him access to the first chapter of the selected ebook.
By default, the user's account is active and a random password is generated for him. If needed, users can reset their passwords at the login screen of your library or cloud ebook.
Optionally, you can automatically send purchased users an activation email with a link to reset their passwords. To do so, simply follow the steps below:
Open the Kotobee Integration app as you did previously.
Go to Settings tab
- Check the checkbox next to Send activation email.
- Click Submit.
Product page menu
For extra convenience, you may access the linking page for each product directly from the product page itself. To do so, follow these steps:
Open your store admin.
Find Products in the left menu.
Open a product.
In the top menu of the product page find More actions.
Click Link with Kotobee.
Now you can link your product as in the previous sections.
For any difficulties faced, do not hesitate to contact support.