Learn how to create an Android keystore file to export your Android App via Kotobee Author.

In order to create an Android keystore file, you must first make sure you have Java JDK installed. You will be using the keytool command that is available in the JDK library. 

Check whether keytool (and hence JDK) is installed: 

  1. Open the command line prompt.
    • For Windows: click the Start menu, then type 'cmd' and hit Enter. 
    • For Mac: click on the spotlight icon and type 'terminal' and hit Enter. 
  2. Type in "keytool" once the command line prompt appears, and hit enter.
    The result you see will indicate whether JDK is installed or not. See the two sample screens below.

Successful (JDK is installed)

Failure (JDK is not installed)

In case JDK is not installed, you can install it through one of the following links:

Windows: https://www.kotobee.com/link/download_jdk

Mac: https://www.kotobee.com/link/download_jdk_mac

You may have JDK installed but still have the 'keytool' command be unrecognized. This would mean that your environment's PATH variable is not set correctly to point to the Java JDK bin folder learn how to Install Java JDK.

Once JDK is installed successfully, type in the following in the command line prompt:

keytool -genkey -v -keystore file.keystore -alias YOUR_ALIAS_NAME -storepass YOUR_ALIAS_PWD -keypass YOUR_ALIAS_PWD -keyalg RSA -validity 36500
  1. Make sure to replace YOUR_ALIAS_NAME and YOUR_ALIAS_PWD with your unique alias name and password. 
  2. Hit Enter. You will be shown a set of sequential questions to answer in the command line prompt. 
  3. Place your answer and hit Enter for each question.

A keystore will be generated and saved into a file named file.keystore in the current working directory. Use that file inside of Kotobee Author to export your Android app.

You will need to restart Kotobee Author and the command prompt.