Learn how to import a PDF file as plain text. Images will not be imported. You will be able to use a reflowable or fixed layout.

If you are using a Mac, there are a few more steps you may have to take before generating your PDF file. 

  1. Import a PDF file. To do that, you can 
    1. drag and drop it into the Kotobee Author window, or
    2. click on Import PDF when you first open Kotobee Author from the Welcome Window, or
    3. select File > Import From > PDF from the Menu Bar, or
    4. click on the Import PDF icon in the upper left toolbar of the Edit screen.The Import PDF window will appear.
  2. Select Plain text. (If you're not certain plain text is best for you, read 3 Modes to Import PDFs). 
  3. Click Add PDF. 
  4. Select the PDF file from your computer and click Open.
  5. Click Import and you're done.

The importing process may take some time, depending on the size and complexity of the original PDF file.

If you receive an error message, see Import PDF Errors.