Learn how to resolve PDF file errors. The error appears when you try to import a PDF file into your ebook. The PDF file fails to import.
When importing a PDF file, Kotobee displays an error message and the file does not import.
Possible messages:
- "A PDF file must be selected. Please, try again."
- "The PDF file you selected does not exist. Please, try again."
- "To import a PDF file on Mac, a package needs to be installed on your system. For help, please refer to Import a PDF file in Mac OS."
- A list of tasks. For example "Preprocessing: 0/1 Preprocessing: 1/1 Working: 0/1" followed by an error message "Cannot save font to C:\users\[yourname]\AppData\Local\Temp//[fontname].tff"
If the error message says you need JAVA and you already have JAVA, read Installing Java JDK.
The PDF file is most likely corrupt or is not compliant with PDF standards. Although, the file may open with some PDF readers, it won’t open with all readers.
Kotobee Author will open any PDF file that is compliant with PDF/A or PDF/X standards. The PDF file needs to be generated with a software that complies with these standards.
To solve the problem, simply regenerate the PDF with a different software. The simplest way is to print to PDF. Here's how:
- Open the PDF file in any PDF reader or internet browser.
- Open the Print window.
- Change your printer. Select "Microsoft Print to PDF".
A file manager window will open for you to set the new PDF file's location and name. After you're done, click Save.
- Go back to Kotobee Author and import the new PDF file.
An alternative solution would be to save the PDF file as PDF/A through Adobe Acrobat Pro.
- Open the file in Acrobat Pro and select "PDF Standards" from the Tools section.
2. From the newly appearing menu, select PDF/X.
3. Go back to Kotobee Author, and use the newly saved PDF file.
Next steps
Import a PDF file with Editable Text