Learn how to import a PDF file with accurate and selectable text. Your file will be imported as images, so it will look exactly like the original. You will not be able to make any changes to the original content, but you can add to it as much as you like.
If you are using a Mac, there are a few more steps you may have to take before generating your PDF file.
- Import a PDF file. To do that, you can
- drag and drop it into the Kotobee Author window, or
- click on Import PDF when you first open Kotobee Author from the Welcome Window, or
- select File > Import From > PDF from the Menu Bar, or
- click on the Import PDF icon in the upper left toolbar of the Edit screen.
The Import PDF window will appear.
Accurate & selectable is already selected for you. If you're not certain that it's the best method for you, read 3 Modes to Import PDFs.
- Select your preferred method and additional options will appear.
Here are descriptions for each option. (If you already know what each option includes, skip to the next step.)- Page Range Choose to import all pages or a range of pages.
- Optimize Allow for encoding optimization. If the PDF file has poor encoding, this option may cause character loss.
- Page Offset Set the first chapter number for the imported content. For example, if your imported pdf is meant to be the sixth chapter of your ebook set the page offset to 6.
- Image type The image type your PDF will be converted into. You can choose between
- GIF (recommended) A smaller file size, but takes more time to generate.
- PNG A larger file size, but takes less time to generate.
- Image Quality The image quality of page scans can range from 0 (lowest quality) to 100 (highest quality).
- Selectable Text You may allow your text to be selectable, so your readers can enjoy text-reliant features such as searching, copying to clipboard, highlighting, note-taking, etc.
- Right-to-Left If your PDF has right to left content (eg. Arabic or Hebrew). This option will adjust the layout to allow for text selection and correct meaningful sentences.
- Chapter pattern This allows you to change how the chapter numbers will be displayed. The numbers appear instead of the letters "[no]" in the section. For example, if your chapter pattern is "Page ([no])", your chapters will be named: Page (1), Page (2), Page (3), etc.
- Parent Chapter If you want to import the pages as subchapters, you can choose any existing chapter to be the parent chapter. (Selecting "Root" means pages will be set as parent chapters.)
- Click the Add PDF button once you're done with the optional settings
- Select the PDF file from your computer and click Open.
- Click Create.
The importing process may take some time, depending on the size and complexity of the original PDF file.
If you receive an error message, see Import PDF Errors.
- Each page of the PDF will appear as an ebook "chapter" within Kotobee Author. That is an epub peculiarity and will not affect your readers. Read more about epub files: Understanding reflowable and fixed layouts and Chapter and Pages in Ebooks.
- The page size of each chapter will be the same as the original file. To change the size of the page, read how here.