Postman exampleLearn how to access the list of books in your account with the Book API.

Please make sure you read the Kotobee API Introduction before starting out here.

List books

The URL base API ( fetches the list of cloud ebooks, hosted ebooks, or library ebooks in your account. Available variables are as follows,

serial or accesskeyContains your authentication method
typeWhether fetch the list of cloud ebooks, hosted ebook, or library ebooks. The value may be 'cloud', 'hosted', or 'library', respectively. The default is 'cloud'
libidThe library ID in the case that you're listing books of a library
simpleIf set to 1, only the following details will be fetched for each book: ID, name, and either public (for cloud ebooks) or alias (for hosted ebooks)
catidFilter by category ID (multiple categories may be used, separated by commas)

Here's an example on a list  of ebooks in a library with ID 123 for a user account:

Here's an example on a list  of cloud ebooks (with full details) for a user account:

An example of how to do it using POST variables with PHP:

$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
  CURLOPT_URL => "",
  CURLOPT_POST => true

$data = array();
$data["serial"] = "1234-5678-9999-9999";
$data["type"] = "cloud";
curl_setopt($curl, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);

$resp = curl_exec($curl);
//echo $resp;     //in case you want to view the result

Postman example

Add book

The URL base API ( adds a new book (hosted ebook or library ebook) to your account. This endpoint accepts an EPUB file as a base64 encoded string. You may convert your file to a base64 string using any base64 encoding service such as Full list of variables are as follows,

serial or accesskeyContains your authentication method
libidThe library ID in the case that you're adding a book to a library
nameThe book title
authorThe book author's name
publisherThe book publisher's name
The book rights
langThe book language
descriptionThe book description
coverThe internal path to the cover image of the book (e.g. EPUB/imgs/cover.jpg)
epubBase64 encoded string of the EPUB file to be uploaded
The size of the EPUB file in bytes (used for verification purposes)

If successful, the response will return the book object along with its new ID.

Postman example

Edit book

The URL base API ( edits the book info (hosted ebook or library ebook) in your account. This endpoint requires the book id which you want to edit. Full list of variables are as follows,

serial or accesskeyContains your authentication method
idThe ID of the book you want to edit
nameThe book new title
authorThe book new author's name
publisherThe book new publisher's name
The book new rights
langThe book new language
descriptionThe book new description
coverThe internal path to the new cover image of the book (e.g. EPUB/imgs/cover.jpg)
isbnThe book new isbn

If successful, the response will return the book object.

Postman example

Get book

The URL base API ( gets a book's details from your account using its ID. Full list of variables are as follows,

serial or accesskeyContains your authentication method
idThe book ID

Postman example

Delete book

The URL base API ( deletes a book from your account. Full list of variables are as follows,

serial or accesskeyContains your authentication method
idThe book ID
typeThe book type: hosted, cloud, or lib, to represent hosted ebook, cloud ebook, or library ebook respectively
Postman example