Learn about adding, editing, and managing image galleries.

Drag and drop two or more images to Kotobee Author, and they will automatically create an image gallery. 

Once you've added an image gallery, it will appear with a control bar and will be listed in the assets panel.

In Kotobee Author, you'll find many options for image galleries:

Control Bar

Hover over the image to activate the control bar at the top right corner:

  • The Info button will display the format settings for this gallery.
  • The Brackets will reveal the CSS classes for the different elements of the gallery.
  • The up and down Arrows nudge your gallery up and down the page.
  • The Copy button will duplicate the current gallery.
  • The Edit button will open the Edit Window.
  • The Delete button will erase the gallery.
  • To change the appearance of the carousel, click on the arrows above or below the Color Wheel. There are 5 options.

Assets Panel

The image will also be listed in the assets panel along with its CSS class name

  • Click on the eye button to toggle visibility of the image. If you hide it in the Edit screen, then it will not appear in the ebook.
  • Click on the pencil button to open the Insert/Edit Image Window.