Learn how to select where the "Redeem Code" button appears for your users in your Kotobee Library.

The 'Redeem Code' button enables users to enter the redeem code and gain privileged access to books, categories or the whole library depending on your permission settings. The location of the button will not change the permissions the codes grant. You can choose to have the 'Redeem Code' button appear at any or all locations for each of the three levels of access:

  • whole library,
  • categories, or 
  • books.

We'll now show how to select which locations the button appears at.

  1. Click on the Manage tab.
    The Manage screen will open.
  2. Click on Libraries in the left panel.
  3. Select your library from the drop-down list in the top bar.
  4. Select Settings from the Libraries menu in the left panel.
  5. The settings for your ebook will open in the main screen.
  6. Click on the Promo code settings tab at the top.
    The settings for promo codes will open in the main screen.
  7. Under Show 'Redeem code' button in the following areas, select all pages where the 'Redeem Code' button is to appear.
    • Registration page places the 'Redeem Code' button in a login window before the user enters the library.
    • Top menu places the  'Redeem Code' button at the top of the category menu.
    • Book information panel places the  'Redeem Code' button in book information panels..
  8. Click Save changes.
    A confirmation window will appear: "The changes have been successfully saved."

Next Steps

Create a Promo Code for Your Library

Create a Single-Use Promo Code for Your Library