Learn how to enable the use of promo codes to grant users access to your private Kotobee Library.

Private library's default is that they can only be entered with an approved user account and email login. With Kotobee Promo Codes, users can enter a library without logging in.

You can use the promo code as replacement for logging in or as an additional option for some users. We'll show you how to do both.

Only logged in users will have their notes and highlights synced.

If you haven't already, enable the use of promo codes in your library.

  1. Click on the Manage tab.
    The Manage screen will open.
  2. Click on Libraries in the left panel.
  3. Select your library from the drop-down list in the top bar.
  4. Select Settings from the Libraries menu in the left panel.
  5. The settings for your library will open in the main screen.
  6. Click on the Promo code settings tab at the top of the setting window.
    The settings for promo codes will open in the main screen.
  7. Click Enable, under Use promo codes.
  8. From the Login using promo code drop down menu, select whether the library can be entered with either a promo code or a user account, or with just a promo code.
    • Allow will allow both registered users to login with their email account and will also allow anyone with a promo code to access the library.
    • Allow and remove email login will allow only users with a promo code to access the ebook.
  9. Click Save changes.
    A confirmation window will appear: "The changes have been successfully saved."

To get the most out of your promo codes, read about Kotobee Promo Codes to learn what they offer and how you can benefit from them.

Next Steps

Create a Promo Code for Your Library

Create a Single-Use Promo Code for Your Library